Saturday, December 12, 2009

Next quiz: where are we?

Italia! Randy and I took a two week vacation in Europe - starting in Vienna, then Venice, Rome, Florence, and Berlin. I was lucky enough to have two conferences in Europe. And have generous family who would watch our kids while we galavanted around Europe. And to top it off, we got to stay with wonderful friends in both Vienna and Florence. Here we are on the Rialto Bridge in Florence, and in the Colesseum in Rome. It was a wonderful trip - I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Candace said...

Wow...sounds like you are having a great time! Good to see and update and a picture of the kids...can't believe how big Tyler is getting! Isn't amazing how fast they grow up? Hope you all have a great Christmas and wonderful New Year!

Take care,
Doug, Candace, & Ana Kate