Friday, June 20, 2008

High life in Hanoi

Did I mention that we're staying in a fabulous hotel? It's kind of hard to go out sightseeing when your hotel is this nice.

Here are a few pictures from the hotel window. And us in the swimming pool. Tyler enjoys all water - hot, cold, you name it.


Chuck said...

Sweet! Looks like a great place. Hope you can find some good food (do they have pho in Vietnam???).
Eddie and Tyler will be surfing together before long...


Kristen said...

Love the pictures. BTW, what's up with you guys and the paperwork? The officials think that maybe you are just a little too easy going and need a jolt or something? BTW, I don't know that I would mind being stuck for a few more days by the looks of your hotel. At least you aren't festering in that Nanchang hovel we stayed in. (though I love the memories!!) lol. We can't wait to be the duke - he looks like he's rolling with it pretty well!

Kristen said...

Wait a minute "be the Duke", no no I meant MEET the Duke.