Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tyler Skis!

We had just pulled out the kids skis yesterday and then we woke up to snow today. Tyler immediately ran to the garage to get his skis. He did great - his favorite part was falling over and eating snow.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Princess Tyler

Anna decorated Tyler this morning and he was enchanted -rings,tiara, the purse. He kept saying, "Look Mom, I'm a princess!" and "The princess is riding the truck!". He took the purse to daycare with him. He hung it around is neck and looked absurd playing trains with his pocketbook dangling in front of him.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I love the Solstice Parade!

And just like that, kindergarten is finished

And what do happy kindergarteners do when school summer arrives? They go to the park -- and work on their new math workbooks! They were all excited that they got to take home their math workbooks.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Many faces of Tyler

They ride!

Anna learned how to ride a bike last weekend. She hopped and figured it out the first try. Way to go!

And Tyler manages his tricycle like a pro.

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's only money

Today was Student Store day at school. It's one of Anna's favorite days because she can buy erasers and trinkets (which she'll promptly lose or break). Today Anna showed up at Student Store with a $50 bill. Thankfully, Student Store doesn't accept bills higher than a $5, and they returned the money to her. So, Anna gave the $50 to her classmate. Thankfully, her classmate's mom knows our phone number.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We finally have a pet

As we were getting ready to go to bed last night, and Anna said, "oh, I almost forgot" and ran to get her jacket, a cup, and a fork. Her jacket pocket was taped up, presumably to keep a treasure safe. She started scooping out her pocket with the fork, and a pile of worms landed on the table. Apparently, she had collected them at recess and wanted to keep them safe. She filled the cup with worms, dirt and water and happily declared, "Finally, I have some pets!"

Friday, February 19, 2010

She skis!

We had a fund long weekend in Whistler - courtesy of my parents who came out and watched the kids while we skied. To our delight (and relief) Anna really learned how to ski this weekend. She can go down the hills all by herself.